
July 21, 2014

VooDoo Doughnut's - my Portland adventure

Some of you may know, and some of you may not, that I was on vacation this past week.  Well, first stop on my West coast adventure was Portland, Oregon.  Otherwise known as the place my mom and her family lives. We made the crazy decision to make our way into Portland one day for an adventure to find this well known doughnut shop.  VooDoo Doughnut has been featured in MANY ways, from blogs to television, it's a Portland must see spot. Their many varieties of doughnuts make this a favorite for everybody!

My mom, daughter and I caught a train into the city and then began our walk to the shop.  You see, it's not on the train route so get your tennis shoes ready because you WILL be walking.  Better yet, just drive there. After many city blocks and one wrong turn we finally made it.

The menu is extensive and so is the showcase.  There was a long line when we arrived but it moved quickly.  Lucky for us, there is a dozen doughnut option where they'll choose for you.  That's what we did.  There just wasn't enough time to sit and peruse the menu.

As you can see, we had plenty to choose from!

Now that I think about it, maybe walking was the best option.  At least we could burn off a few of those calories we consumed.  Don't worry, we brought the rest back for family to munch on.

Here's my breakdown.  Totally delicious and super unique and interesting options. I recommend you try something outside of your comfort zone and opt for something you will ONLY find at VooDoo Doughnut.  There are Vegan options as well. These toppings are truly unique and only found here so step outside of the standard "box" and try something new!

This is one of a couple of posts that I have from my vacation.  The others are recipes and then I can share some pictures.  It was such a fun trip!  Great to see all my family and friends, some of which I hadn't seen in 20 years!  Oh yea, that's because I went to Montana for my 20 year high school reunion! I just can't believe it!

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