
October 17, 2011

Campfires and wagon rides

We had such a fun weekend.  Busy busy busy! Somewhere in it all we did fit in a campfire and a good opportunity to teach my daughter some marshmallow roasting techniques.  I'm sort of an expert. Do you like the boots she's wearing? I think they go perfectly with the tutu.

Next stop was a nearby ranch that has tons of animals you can feed out of the back of a horse drawn wagon.  It was so much fun! We went in the late afternoon so they had their fill pretty much from a day full of people throwing food at them but with a little pursuasion from our wagon driver they came over for some snacks.

There were so many animals I don't remember what half of them were but I do know that I've never seen a lot of them. 

The Fall Festival was the last stop of the weekend.  At least we got there before they put the horses away this time which meant "someone" had to skip her nap.  Yeah, my daughter had to skip hers too, hahaha I crack myself up. Anyway, she loves horses and I try to get her on one every chance I get.

On this same trip we also tackled a corn maze.  Totally fun, for a while there I actually felt like we might be lost. I think it's not a good corn maze until you feel a little lost. I love fall, don't you?

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