
October 3, 2011

Race for the Cure

Guess what I was doing at a unreasonably early hour on Saturday? Guess who else joined me at this ridiculous hour? I'll stop with the third degree and just let you in on all the good information.  My daughter and I got up at 5 am so we could meet some of my co-workers at the light rail in an effort to get into the city by 6:30.  We did in fact get up at 5.  We did in fact meet my co-workers at the light rail.  We did not make it to our tent until closer to 7 but that's OK because the walk we were participating in didn't start until 7:50.  It was however a chilly 52 degrees.  Very early. Over crowded. Some people where over the top cheerful which annoyed me.  My daughter didn't complain once.  She handled it like a real trooper; I'm so glad.  And with all that being said it was great to be able to walk for such a great cause.  My grandmother is one of the people I walked for today.  Grandma Mary, a recovering Breast Cancer Survivor!!!

People were wearing all sorts of interesting clothing choices.  Lots of men in pink tutu's.  Lots of dogs in pink tutu's.  Surprisingly few women in pink tutu's. There were a lot of people drinking coffee; which reminds me, I need to start drinking coffee.  14,000 of us walked/ran.  As my co-worker said - I don't run unless somebody is chasing me. Haha.  I actually would have run some of it if I didn't have my daughter with me.  It was chilly, only 50 degrees so running might have helped.

There's my little kiddo.  What a trooper she was! Bedhead and all. I love that girl!

I was baking up a storm in my kitchen over the remainder of the weekend so I'll be back soon with some actual food. Thanks to all of you who helped to support such a great cause.  We made a difference!

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