
November 2, 2011

Where I've been...

We jumped on a Jet Plane - and we let our daughter fly it.  She's pretty good. :) Actually she just got to sit in the cockpit for a minute. This is the seat my husband sits in and the same type of jet he flys too so it was really neat that the captain let her sit here. We might have a future pilot on our hands (let the worrying begin).

Anyhoo, we went to Boston to visit my husbands family and to spend Halloween there.  We got a Noreaster while we were there.  That was fun. At least we didn't lose power when most of the town we were in did.  It was fun for our little one to get to play in the snow (boy am I glad I packed a nice warm jacket for her).  Living in the South we only get snow a couple of times a year and she's really starting to enjoy it.  The first couple of years she hated snow!

I'm in the kitchen baking up some tastey treats today!  I'll post again soon!

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