
February 6, 2012

Blood Orange Sorbet

I was at the grocery store the other day and found these delicious Blood Oranges.  I grabbed a bag not really knowing what I would use them for, so I hopped on the Internet and quickly found this Blood Orange Sorbet recipe from David Lebovitz and knew I'd found the right recipe. If you're not familiar with Blood Oranges they are slightly smaller than a regular orange and their skin can sometimes be multicolored (light and dark patches).  They are usually harder to peel than a regular orange as well.  As far as taste goes, I've read it described as a slight raspberry flavor.  The color is created when the fruit develops with low temperatures during the night.

I love using these oranges, they are delicious and so pretty to use in drinks, desserts or just to snack on.

Cut and juice the oranges.  I used about 2 cups of juice but you can use as little or as much as you want in 1 cup increments.


Using the appropriate amount of sugar, place it in a saucepan and add just enough juice to saturate the sugar. Cook over medium heat until the sugar has dissolved.

Pour the sugar/juice mixture back in with the rest of the juice and let cool.  After it's down to room temperature you can transfer it to the refrigerator.  I put mine in overnight. I also left the pulp in, if you don't like the pulp you can strain in before refrigerating.

When cold, add the mixture to your ice cream maker and follow the manufacturers instructions for processing times.

I found this recipe here from David Lebovitz. I recommend going to the link and checking out his other suggestions and tips for these oranges.

Juice the oranges and measure the juice.

For each 1 cup of juice you'll need about 1/4 cup of sugar.  I used 2 cups of juice and used 1/2 cup of sugar.

Use a small non-reactive sauce pan.  Pour in the sugar and just enough juice to saturate the sugar.  Cook over medium to medium low heat until the sugar has dissolved.

Pour the sugar/juice mixture in with the remaining juice and bring back to room temperature, then chill it in the refrigerator.

When cold, process in your ice cream maker using your manufacturer's instructions.

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