
March 9, 2012

Berry Green Smoothie

So, I'm on a green smoothie kick this week.  I've had one every day since I bought my new blender.  I'm sort of smitten with my new blender, I'm not gonna lie.  When you compare it to the ancient one I had before there isn't even a contest.  Anyway, back to the smoothies.  I was a little hesitant to have a smoothie that was green and even more hesitant that the green comes from spinach.  Well, I was relieved to find out that you don't even taste the spinach.  I like spinach and all, but I didn't really want to drink it.  Know what I mean?

My husband and I are trying to get the hang of this new smoothie in the morning thing in an attempt to get a little healthier and sneak in some things we might not otherwise get on a daily basis.  I'd love to get my daughter to drink this too and she will but only if it's not in a clear glass and only if it's mostly some other color besides green.

Start out with about 2 cups (or two small handfuls) of spinach.  I used baby spinach.  Add some frozen mixed berries, yogurt, 1/2 a banana and ice but only if the fruit you're using is fresh.  

Use your blender to puree the mixture.  I found that pulsing the "crush ice" button works well at first and then switch to the puree option.

Isn't that a pretty green color!  I promise you won't taste the spinach.  Trust me. 

Berry Green Smoothie

2 cups baby spinach
1/2 a large banana, cut into pieces
1/2 cup yogurt - I used vanilla low fat 
1 1/2 cups frozen mixed berries
1 cup ice - only needed if you're using fresh fruit. 

Place all the ingredients in the blender and use the crush ice button to break up the ice or frozen fruit for about 30 seconds or so.  Switch to puree and blend until there are no chunks. 

Makes enough for two large glasses.

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