
April 4, 2012

Banana Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

As usual I found myself staring at 6 banana's that were a little too far beyond the yellow color that I usually like.  I think I've mentioned before that I seem to always be buying banana's at the grocery store but then they just sit on the counter.  I'll eat one and my husband might eat one but that's usually it.  Unless I'm making smoothies or banana bread there they sit.

Summer has officially arrived here in the south (about a month early) so ice cream seemed like a safe bet.  There was only one problem, my daughter doesn't like banana's.  She does like chocolate however so that's why I decided to make this a chocolate chip variety.  It worked.  She loves it.  I also shared some with her daycare and those kids loved it too so I'd say we have a winner on our hands.

I doubled the recipe and it turned out just great.

When my dad was visiting one time he made a wonderful stove top banana dessert that had all of the ingredients you see above.  The only difference was that he cooked just cut the banana in half first and mine are cut in little pieces.  He also cooked his in a frying pan on the stove and these are baked.  But still, same idea.

Makes your house smell really good.

After the oven.  The butter and brown sugar have made a yummy sauce.

Pour the banana mixture into your blender and add the milk, sugar, vanilla, lemon juice and salt. Puree until nice and smooth.

Pour this mixture into a bowl with a  cover and refrigerate overnight.

Now just pour the mixture into your ice cream maker and follow the manufacturers instructions.  Add the chocolate chips at the end. Enjoy!

Banana Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
modified slightly from "Brown Eyed Baker" found here

3 medium-sized ripe bananas, peeled 
1/3 cup light brown sugar
1 tablespoon butter (salted or unsalted), cut into small pieces
1½ cups whole milk
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
1½ teaspoons lemon juice
¼ teaspoon coarse salt

1/2 cup semi sweet chocolate chips

Pretheat the oven to 400 degrees. 

Cut up the banana's in small pieces and place them into a heat proof dish.  Add the brown sugar and butter and bake for 40 minutes stirring once halfway through. 

Pour the mixture (hot is fine) into a blender and add the milk, sugar, vanilla, lemon juice and salt.  Puree the mixture until smooth.  Pour the mixture into a dish with a cover and refrigerate overnight. 

Pour the cold mixture into your ice cream maker (stir a little if it seems thick).  Follow the manufacturers instructions.  Add the chocolate chips the last 5 minutes of processing or just stir them in at the end.  Freeze. 

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