
May 16, 2012


I really do have a good excuse for being absent last week.  My family and I went to Montana to visit my family there.  We had the best time.  The weather even stayed nice for the most part (that's saying something for Montana in May)!  We had upper 50's to mid 60's the whole visit.  Of course the day we left it soared into the 70's but that's OK.  I do live in the South now where the weather is always on the nice side.

My daughter and I flew into Denver and met up with my dad who was driving from Louisiana.  We met up on Wednesday night and then got a hotel and left early Thursday morning to drive the rest of the way.  We took our time and ended up in Sheridan, WY for the evening.  The next morning we finished our journey in my hometown of Livingston.  My husband flew into Bozeman and met us in Livingston only about 20 minutes after we arrived.  Perfect timing.

The rest of the vacation was a blur really.  We ate so much more than I care to reveal here and we took some walks next to the Yellowstone River.  We visited Yellowstone park, Museum of the Rockies, Chico Hotspings.  We ate.  We visited with some family and friends I haven't seen in a very long time.  We ate some more. We went to my friends ranch and hung out and did ranch stuff.  My daughter even rode a horse all by herself!  We had a small birthday party for my little girl who turned four on the 13th.  She technically didn't turn four until we were already back home but we celebrated anyway. 

So much fun, I can't wait to go back again soon.

Sulfur Springs at Yellowstone. There is a lovely aroma here.

Buffalo shedding his winter coat.

Snow!  I waited all winter to see snow and didn't get any.  It just took a trip to Yellowstone to make that happen.

Old Faithful

One of my favorite flowers - the Lilac.  We can't grow them here in the South.

My friend's chicken lays this greenish/blue egg. 

My daughter got to bottle feed this calf.

She also got to ride this horse all by herself. Such a big moment for me.  She looked so little.  We were safely in a corral and the horse was old and very good with children.  I am a proud mama for sure.

I have a Princess cake to share with you that I made for her while we were there but I wanted to share a little of our vacation first. 

Do you have any favorite vacation spots?

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