
July 13, 2012

Dinner Club - Theme Pasta

Melissa Y hosted last June's Dinner club and the theme was a big hit!  Everyone has at least one pasta dish that their family loves. Melissa said her mom invented this dish and it's a winner for sure.  I'll be adding this to my rotation as well.

Chicken & Bowties

1 package of chicken about a pound or so
red pepper
garlic and herb marinade

Cut the chicken into chunks and cook in olive oil and sprinkle with garlic & onion powder. In another pan, on high heat cook veggies in olive oil and sprinkle with garlic & onion powder. Once the chicken and veggies are cooked, combine them into one pan and add about half a jar of herb & garlic marinade. Cook bowtie pasta according to package, after draining sprinkle with garlic and olive oil and then combine with chicken and veggie mixture. Top with parmesan cheese.

Shannon made this yummy Pesto Pasta.

1lb. Pasta
1/2 pint cherry tomatoes, halved
cup Feta
3/4 cup pesto
Salt and pepper, to taste

Wendy made stuffed shells which I have a weakness for.  They were so delicious that I had seconds and had to hold back from having thirds. Thanks Wendy!

Stuffed Shells

I'll post the recipe as soon as I get it from Wendy.

I know, not pasta related at all but I didn't have time to come up with a pasta related dessert like I had planned on.  I found these Vanilla Cake Truffles on Pinterest.  They were quick and easy which fit the bill on this night.

This recipe can be found here

Lisa W. made yummy brownies from and Aldi's mix she found.  Thanks Lisa!

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