
October 19, 2012

Frontier Burger

It's grill season again in the South.  Isn't it funny how everywhere else in America it's grill season in the summer but it's too hot here, so I break out the grill in the Fall.  I pretty much just hide in the house or at the pool for the summer months around here.  Growing up in Montana made me less able to stay cool when it's hot....or maybe it had nothing to do with growing up on Montana.  I like to tell people that story, they always agree with me. Heeheehee

Either way, October is my month!  Regardless of where I'm at I always feel like I am at my most ambitious in October.  It doesn't hurt that it's followed by all the most awesome holiday's.  I like to break out paint and do projects.  It also explains why my daughter's middle name is Autumn. :)

I've been making this burger with all different types of ground meat and sometimes even mixing the meats for years.  It's basically like a meatloaf in burger form.  This is really more of a method then a recipe so feel free to change it up. 

I feel like the A1 sauce is essential in these burgers.  It just adds a tanginess that can't be duplicated.

I recently made a pretty spectacular dipping sauce that would be heaven on one of these burgers.  I promise to post about that very soon.

Frontier Burger

  • 1 pound ground beef or turkey (or any ground meat or a mixture of several)
  • 1/2 medium onion, diced
  • 1 Tbsp A1 sauce
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup Panko bread crumbs *only if using a lean meat*
  • 1/3 cup grated cheese of your choice, I use sharp cheddar
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp. pepper
  • Optional red pepper flakes, Tabasco sauce
Cooking Directions
  1. In a medium bowl add all of the ingredients.
  2. Use your hands or a sturdy wood spoon to mix all of the ingredients together.
  3. Divide the meat mixture into 4 even amounts and patty.
  4. Cook over medium heat in a skillet or griddle for about 5 minutes on each side.
  5. Top with cheese during the last 3 minutes of cooking on the second side.

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