
October 26, 2012

Gramma's Hobo Dinners

I'm always hesitant to post one of my gramma's recipes.  I don't know if I'm weird that way or if you can relate to that, but I wouldn't want to publish some "top secret" recipe and get busted by my relatives so I try to keep the family recipes down to a minimum if possible.  This recipe seemed pretty safe since it was already published in the cookbook you see below.

The cookbook is from the Brisbin Women's Club and the cover of this awesome cookbook was painted by a local artist Cheryl DePuy Murray.  Isn't it beautiful?  My gramma gave me this cookbook in 1998 and I've cooked so many recipes out of it that many pages are stained and that's one thing I love about it.  This is one of those treasures from my gramma and my hometown that I will cherish and then hand down to my daughter.

As you can see from the picture above, I already veered off the recipe and didn't cook the hamburger first.  Gramma's instructions clearly indicate you should form a patty, season and then brown.  I didn't.  Sorry gramma. 

Top each burger with onion rings.

Add some carrot

Next comes the potato (you can do this in whatever order you like, it makes no difference).

Top each patty with some butter, salt and pepper

Now wrap each packet up tightly in the tin foil so no juice can escape.

Bake and enjoy.

This little packet of goodness makes your house smell so good.  It's basically a really quick way to give everyone their very own pot roasts.  You can mix up the ingredients as much as you want and create your own favorites!

Gramma's Hobo Dinner
Marge Frelich

  • 1 pound hamburger
  • 1 large onion, sliced into thick slices
  • 2 medium potatoes, peeled and quartered
  • 2 medium carrots, peeled and quartered
  • 1 can mushrooms, drained (or fresh)
  • 1 Tbsp butter
  • salt and pepper to taste
Cooking Directions
  1. Cut four tin foil pieces into 1 foot squares.
  2. Patty the hamburger into 4 equal sized pieces. Season with salt and pepper. My gramma's recipe says to brown the burger on each side before adding it to the tin foil square but I forgot to do that.
  3. Add equal onion slices to each patty, add 2 potato pieces, 2 carrot pieces, mushrooms and salt and pepper to each tin foil square on top of the hamburger.
  4. Top each square with a piece of butter and fold the tin foil into a tight packet so no juices can escape.
  5. Bake at 375 degrees for one hour or until the potato is done. One hour was perfect when I cooked mine.

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