
April 23, 2012

Anne Springs Gateway

This is our weekend in a nutshell.  Busy busy.  Ballet, Anne Springs Gateway for an Earth Day celebration which we (my daughter and I) look forward to every year, Ice Cream babysat a friend's daughter for the afternoon.  We didn't stop at all from the minute we left the house at 9am and that was just Saturday!  Great weekend.  I hope you all enjoyed yours as much as we did.  I thought you might enjoy some photographs of our time at Anne Springs as well as some pictures of the flowers that are in bloom in our backyard.  Such a pretty time of year. 

Our roses are in full bloom and are so fragrant and beautiful.

I thought this Rhododendron was going to be yellow but I'm loving this color too.  I wonder if there are yellow Rhododendron's to begin with?

We saw milk cows, goats, sheep, chickens, bunnies.  Everything all little kids should be so lucky to live near all the time.  

This cool swinging bridge in this beautiful tree canopy over a cute little creek that the kids always like to play in.  The weather held out even though they kept telling us we might get some rain.  In fact the weather was so great that I could have stayed out there all day long just sitting in the grass and watching the activities.  They gave free horseback rides and only asked for a donation if you could.

I do have a recipe to share with you a little later this week.

How was your weekend?

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