
April 28, 2012

Boston: A Birthday Party and the Hall of Fame

Did you miss me this past week? I'm sorry.  I had a mini vacation to the Boston area where my husband is from.  A town called Natick actually.  He was a BIG football hero in that town, still is.  He was a running back for the 1982 team that began their State Super Bowl Championship stretch and three undefeated seasons.  My husband was a senior in 1982 and was one of four Captains; all three teams were nationally ranked in USA Today, 82-84.   His team started the tradition of Super Bowl champions and made the town of Natick one of the proudest towns you've ever seen.  Have you ever seen that movie "Hoosiers"? It was sort of like that.  When they won the Super Bowl back in 1982 they were police escorted by several of the surrounding towns on their way back to Natick.  When they got to Natick they were greeted by a police escort and fire trucks and thousands of people for a huge celebration.  They really were hero's of that town and even today when you walk downtown with my husband you will hear people approach him and ask if he's Dave from the Superbowl win.  He's got quite a following.
His 1982 team; along with the 1983 and 1984 football teams were inducted into the Hall of Fame this past Thursday.  He saw people he hasn't seen in 30 years and it was just like they saw each other yesterday.  You could feel the air change in that room of about 400 people.  They inducted several individuals as well, but the football teams were the last to go and there was an audible difference in the way people responded. It was really special and I'm glad I got to see it first hand.

That's my husband Dave with his team.  Second from the left.

From the left: Nick Luisi, Mike McBreen, Dave Morrill, Jim DePalo

While we were there we also squeezed in a birthday party for my little girl who will be turning 4 in a couple of weeks.  I made a two headed dragon cake which I will post about separately. We crammed a lot of activities into just a couple of days!

My daughter loves the zippleback from that movie "How to Train Your Dragon" so this was my attempt at it.  Not bad!

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