
August 10, 2012

Mini Pies

I've been having such a good time since my new found freedom (not working) and getting to spend quality time with my little girl.  We've been going to beaches and visiting family, parks, pools, play dates, you get the drift.  I think my posture is beginning to improve now that I'm not hunched over in front of a computer for 8 hours a day.  In case you're wondering, I'm standing as I type this. :) 

The only downfall I've seen so far is my addiction to Pinterest.  It's a serious problem.  Especially since Pinterest is just known for being a time killer.  Sometimes I jump on real quick before heading to bed and notice an hour has flown by and I'm still pinning.  

That brings me to this dessert.  I found the idea on Pinterest and knew I wanted to make it using the pie filling I posted about recently. I didn't really follow the recipe that was on Pinterest since I figured it was pretty much like making a regular pie only on a much smaller scale.  

The pie crust I used is one I've been using for a year or so because it makes enough for 3 crusts and it's freezable.  You can find the recipe here

 Anyhoo, make sure to spray each cupcake tin thoroughly so these little babies will come out when time.

The cherry pie filling recipe can be found here; but any canned variety or your own favorite recipes would work too.

In case you haven't noticed, this is more of a method then a recipe.  Cutting all those little dough strands for the lattice top was a pain but you could also just cut some fun shapes with some cookie cutters and save yourself some heartache.

Just as you would with a regular pie, coat the tops with some egg and water so it turns a nice golden brown color.  Sprinkle with sugar too for a nice added sweet crunch.

Bake at 350 degrees for about 12 minutes or until the crust is golden brown.  Let the pies cool in the pan until you can handle them easily.  You will probably need to run a knife around the edges of the pies in order to get them out.

I didn't try to freeze any of these but I'm sure you could.  They would make a perfect little treat after dinner or for unexpected guests.

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