
August 13, 2012

Creamy Tomato & Herb Dressing

I know it's almost fall (or it is in my mind at least) but we're still focusing on eating healthier this year.  I don't know about you but I could really use a year long head start on next years beach body.  

If you're looking for a new way to dress up the boring salads that seem to make their way to you dinner table then try some new dressings.  The great thing about making your own dressings is that you know what exactly is in it and you can modify the flavors to match your tastes.  You can also only make a little at first so if you end up not caring for it you haven't committed to a huge bottle of it.  I don't think you'll have that problem with this dressing.  If you like tomatoes then you'll probably like this dressing. 

I made my own garlic oil by heating the oil in a pan and dropping a couple cloves of garlic to get slightly brown.  Let cool.

Add the ingredients into a food processor or a blender. Refrigerate.

Doesn't it look pretty? It tastes pretty darn good too.  This dressing is a nice change up from some of the  more common dressings like Ranch or Italian.

It definitely has a tomato base flavor. The herbs and vinegar make the dressing very flavorful and the mayonnaise makes it creamy.  Don't worry if you're not a mayonnaise fan because you can't taste it.  If you're still not convinced I'm sure you could substitute Greek yogurt.

Creamy Tomato and Herb Dressing
Modified slightly from "Down Home Cooking Pure Wesson"cookbook page 39

1 can (14.5 ounce) whole tomatoes, unsalted if possible (Original recipe calls for diced with garlic)
1/4 cup cider vinegar
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1 Tbsp dried parsley (original calls for 1/4 cup fresh, chopped)
(original recipe has 2 Tbsp spicy brown mustard) I didn't have any.
1 tsp sugar
2 large cloves of garlic.  I cooked mine in the oil on low heat until golden and then let it cool down before adding it to the dressing. (original calls for 1 tsp fresh minced)
1/2 cup vegetable oil
Salt and Pepper to taste

If you're using tomatoes that do not have garlic in them just do what I did.  Heat the 1/2 cup of oil in a fry pan and drop in 2 large cloves of garlic and let brown over low heat.  Let cool to room temperature.

In a food processor or a blender, add all the ingredient except the oil/garlic and salt and pepper.  Use the  pulse mode to slowly incorporate the ingredients.  Slowly pour in the oil/garlic while blending and then salt and pepper to taste.

Refrigerate for an hour or up to 24 hours.  Shake before serving.

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