
August 16, 2012

Mozzarella-Stuffed Meatballs

I've already started daydreaming about fall.  Are you with me or are you all dreading summer's end? I need some cool air in my life again.  I need sweats and sweatshirts (yeah I really class it up).

I'm trying to push summer out by making fall recipes but it's not working.  It just makes my kitchen hot.

As I'm sure you've guessed by now I'm a cheese lover.  All cheeses, I don't discriminate.  We decided to make these meatballs filled with mozzarella cheese but I think you're favorite cheese would work great in here.  I think next time I'll use a sharper tasting cheese, maybe even blue cheese.  You really can't go wrong here.

Start by making your meat mixture.  As a side note, if you're watching your carbs you can replace bread crumbs with crushed up pork rinds and it works just fine.

Flatten out a piece of ground meat in your hand and fill with the cheese. 

The key here is to close the meat completely around the cheese.  It might still melt out a little but that's OK.

Brown the meatballs on all sides until they are golden brown.

Serve with your favorite marinara sauce.  Obviously if you're not watching your carbs this would be delish over some pasta also.

If you try this with some different cheeses let me know which one's you use!

Mozzarella-Stuffed Meatballs
Modified from "Taste of Home Contest Winning Recipes 2011" page 111

1 egg, lightly beaten
1 1/2 cup crushed pork rinds
1/4 cup prepared Italian Salad Dressing
2 Tbsp minced fresh parsley
2 garlic cloves,  minced
1/2 tsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp salt
1 pound ground turkey
1/4 pound ground beef
3 ounces fresh mozzarella cheese
2 Tbsp canola oil
1 jar marinara sauce

Mix all of the ingredients EXCEPT the oil, cheese and marinara sauce.  Dice up the cheese and set aside.  Heat the oil in a large fry pan over medium heat.

Start by making a small round flat patty in your hand.  Place a cube of cheese in the middle and wrap the sides up over the cheese and then form the meat into a ball around the cheese.  Place them aside until you have enough to put in the fry pan without over crowding.  Make sure to turn the meat regularly so that all sides get golden brown.

Repeat with any remaining meatballs.

Serve with Marinara sauce.

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